
How To Write A Children’s Book PDF by Katie Davis

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Katie Davis’s How To Write A Children’s Book pdf sounds like a valuable resource for anyone with a dream of crafting stories for young readers.

This book contains advice on how to write and publish a children’s book and advice on writing children’s books. It was compiled and edited by Katie Davis, Director of the Book Institute and the Institute Associated with Children’s Literature. These two schools taught more than 40 4000 students how to write and publish a children’s book. Katie Davis is an award – winning author of How to Promote Your Children’s Book on Amazon.

Here’s what we can glean from the description:

  • Geared towards aspiring children’s book authors: This book is specifically designed to guide you through the process of writing and publishing a children’s book.
  • Authored by an expert: Katie Davis, the Director of the Institute for Writers and the associated Institute of Children’s Literature, brings a wealth of experience to the table.
  • Comprehensive approach: The book likely covers the entire spectrum of writing a children’s book, from developing a captivating story idea to navigating the publishing process.
  • Practical advice: Expect to find practical tips and strategies for crafting engaging narratives, targeting the right age group, and presenting your work in a format that appeals to children.
  • Examples and case studies: The book may include real-world examples and success stories from published children’s book authors to inspire and guide you.

How To Write A Children’s Book PDF

How To Write A Children’s Book PDF by Katie Davis
How To Write A Children’s Book PDF by Katie Davis

Table of contents

  • Introduction
  • Where Do You Get Your Ideas?
  • How Old Is Your Reader?
  • Writing Basics
  • Plotting a Great Story
  • What Editors Wish Writers Knew
  • Jan Fields’ List of Five Good Tools That Can Get You Into Bad Trouble
  • Checklist

Book info How To Write A Children’s Book

Book Title: How To Write A Children’s Book
Author: Katie Davis
Category: How to
Language: English
Pages: Pages

Download How To Write A Children’s Book PDF

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